
Free SMS Widget Script

In previous posting, I saw you about an application Free SMS web base. Yes it's verry cool, work 100% tested. So, may be you want show an application like that in your blog or site like i do. Okay i will give you the script to shown it. The script is so very simple. Here it is

<iframe frameborder="0" height="600" name="I2" src="http://s1.gxrg.org/home/index.php?w=yes" width="430">iframe>

Copy the script above and paste in your HTML widget on your blog/site in HTML modus
Try It, GoodLuck!!!!

Free SMS for You

Do You want free SMS to all Operator expecially in Indonesia Region? I think you shoud try this one

this Free SMS Script come from http://s1.gxrg.org/


Keong Racun Bule Version/EuropeVersion

Action lipsync Keong Racun was uploaded on Youtube by Sinta and Jojo not just horrendous Indonesia. International world has seen and tell about them.

Two beautiful girls from Europe also joined in The Keong Racun lipsync song. The new version lipsync video circulating on Youtube. This video posted on YouTube on August 3, 2010. Because they are new, so new views over 73 times, at 13:00 pm, Wednesday, August 4, 2010. Two girls even this style looks unique. Even though it did not fit with the song lipsync, but they are not less interesting style with Jojo and Sinta

Unfortunately in this Youtube video are not written the names of the girls. But the location of video creation, looks like taken from a room of the house.

Judging from their postures, the two girls in different ages. Blonde girl who was about 4-6 years, while the brown-clad around 12-14 years old. Of the two girls, the only one that seems 'berjoget' and lipsync.

The question is, can they compete with Jojo and Sinta that their video has to break the 1 million view more. Just wait and see...